
In the fourth title in the Ellie Foreman mystery series, the Chicago documentary filmmaker finds herself in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, producing a video for a popular resort. She is soon drawn into the history of a wealthy and prominent family, deeply rooted in a magnificent mansion on the shores of the lake. Ellie, a divorced single mom, finds the issues of trust and loyalties reflect the turmoil of her own life, and soon is wading waist-deep into murder and deceit...

Evocative and intelligently crafted, this is a fine addition to an Anthony Award-nominated series that began with An Eye for Murder, A Picture of Guilt, and An Image of Death. Look for the hard-cover collector/library edition from Poisoned Pen Press in August, and the mass market edition from Berkley Prime Crime in September.
Read A Review:

Ellie Foreman is a documentary filmmaker. She stops at a rest stop on her way home from scouting shoot locations. She overhears a distressing phone call and engages in conversation with the woman. Before Ellie realizes it, the woman, Daria, is shot in a drive-by sniper shooting.

Since Ellie was the last person to speak to her, the police talk to her at length. Then Daria’s mother and sister visit asking Ellie for any information she has as to why Daria was shot. They ask her assistance in finding out more.

When Ellie does a little digging, she finds a murder from thirty years ago and wonders what the connection might be. She also meets Luke Sutton. Ellie finds herself attracted to him, but she is concerned because he seems to be very involved in these murders. She works harder to uncover the truth, hoping to clear Luke in the process.

I had never read any books in this series. I really enjoyed this book and look forward to reading others. Ellie is a very likeable character. The setting is well written and inviting. I found this to be a book you kept wanting to read to find out who did it and why. I highly recommend this book.

Dawn Dowdle